Working While Sick Costs an Estimated $150 Billion Per Year in the US. What Does it Cost Your Business?

We’re the Trusted Experts in Orange County for People Who Want to Feel Better and Reduce Pain.

We improve mental and physical wellness to boost focus, results and engagement.  Help your stressed and overwhelmed people get back on track.



Individuals & Families - Learn more here



Our Mind-Body practices inspire and enable your people to manage their own stress better and improve their health. Customized group and individual sessions boost physical and mental wellness.

Benefits include:

  • Increased focus, more engaged teams
  • Fewer sick days, lower healthcare utilization
  • Higher productivity


Help your top talent become better versions of themselves, ready to make a bigger impact in your organization and confidently execute new roles.  One-on-one sessions designed to release limiting blocks, subconscious fears and other personal challenges.

Benefits include:

  • More effective leaders
  • Higher staff retention, better team cohesion
  • Exceed targets, increase sales


Improve decision-making with insights and answers from the Innate Intelligence of your business – your business’ core essence.  Get details on mission, marketing, product mix, people and more.  Combine with a Business Balancing Session to improve operations and reach your next targets.

Benefits include:

  • Intelligence on operations and opportunities
  • New perspective on important people and business questions
  • Improve how the business functions – a healthier organization
  • Identify action steps

Heal the Heart

Our modern society endures countless tragedies, natural disasters, and other traumatic events.  These events all too often become a painful burden for the people who experience them and can impact their physical and mental wellness.


Welcome to Heal the Heart ™, an initiative of Renewal Wellness Group.


As a service to the community, we offer group sessions using mind-body practices to lighten this burden on the present and future by releasing trauma.  Our goal is to restore and renew hearts.


Please contact us for more information on how we can help your community or those you know who have survived a tragic event.  Thank you.


Shaky After Car Accident

“I really enjoyed working with Liz because she has high integrity and she is compassionate with her patients. After the bad car accident last July, I was feeling very anxious and shaky. I knew I needed to have a session of bodytalk therapy with her. After learning that my car was totaled and I wasn’t in any shape to drive, she insisted to come to my home to give me the therapy. We had the session a few days after the car accident, and I was able to drive within a couple days. I was very impressed by the outcome and by how fast I saw the outcome. I would definitely recommend Liz to anyone that is interested in body talk therapy.”

– Lei, Irvine, CA

Knee Discomfort

“You mentioned that I would begin to feel a relief within three days. What happened was I actually became to experience some slight relief in my right knee after our session on Wednesday. The following day, Thursday, I notice that my right knee pain was continuing to minimize. My inner-voice told me to limit weight bearing, so I listened. By Friday, the left knee pain was becoming even more minimized, and the right knee, very faint, and less frequent… This morning, there is remarkably less pain, and I am feeling lightness over me, as I sit listening to my meditation music.”

– Marketing professional

Becoming Unstuck

“Liz is a wonderful healer who has helped me a great deal.  A gentle, intuitive practitioner of BodyTalk, Liz has helped me past a huge hurdle that I wasn’t able to access with cognitive therapy, as 80-90% of our actions are determined by our subconscious, which is a huge component of Body Talk.  Highly recommended for those wanting to get “unstuck.””

– Aries, Long Beach, CA


“1st time in 14 months that I was able to sleep without any pills or potions.”

– Agi P.,  Toronto, Canada

Our Clients Call Us When...

  • A sales executive develops fear and hesitation when presenting and closing
  • Life seems like a roller coaster and they want that to change
  • They want to get out of a defensive mindset
  • Overwhelming family relationship issues affect how they show up in meetings
  • They are in a new role and want to clear out patterns of false starts and things not working out

Contact Us

Find out how we can help your organization.

We are based in Huntington Beach, CA.

We can work with your organization remotely anywhere in the US & worldwide.


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